Training In Catfish Processing And Product Diversification In Sebangun Village, Sebawi District, Sambas Regency
Amplang catfish, Sebangun Village, Diversification, Sago flourAbstract
Sebangun Village is a village whose main commodities are dominated by sago, rubber, and palm oil plantations. The livelihoods of rural communities focus on increasing agricultural and non-food plantation products. Local people have not been able to convert sago plants into productive plants. The community needs knowledge related to processing sago and fish into a product so that it can open up additional business opportunities apart from plantation products. Therefore, to support food security and improve the nutrition of the community in Sebangun Village, a community service program is carried out, namely training in making catfish amplang with the diversification of sago flour. The method used is demonstrations through training, practice, and assistance to improve the skills of the community, especially women in Sebangun Village, to produce nutritious and quality-processed catfish and sago flour products independently and sustainably. The results of the service showed that the participants already had the knowledge, skills, and directly practiced the process of making catfish amplang using sago flour. This community service activity can increase the consumption of fish protein in the Sebangun Village community and create business groups to improve the community's economy.
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